At first the hole was nothing but a tunnel of darkness. Allie May could not see Hugh or anything else. She kept reaching out hoping to find anything she could grip, but there was nothing. After what seemed like several minutes of sliding through wet blackness there seemed to be a bit of light ahead of her. The tunnel opened up and for a moment she was flying instead of sliding, then she was on her back on a bed of cool sand. She tried to sit up but instead rolled over and across a huge sand dune. When her movement finally slowed enough she could see she had landed in an enormous cavern. There was hole way above her that let in enough light to see a roof of glistening stalactites, walls of dripping stone, and just a few yards away her friend’s long tail sticking out of the sand. She half crawled, half rolled her way across the sand to dig him out. She smiled when she heard him call her name, but it sounded like it was coming from the wrong direction. She turned and saw Hugh somersaulting down the sandy hill.

An interesting contrast between the stalactite roof and a tail in the sand 🙂