Having my first solo show would have been an exciting experience no matter where or when it happened, but being able to have it in my home town surrounded by so many of my family and friends in a gallery space I was part of over 20 years ago was really special. I am so thankful to all the people who supported me in so many different ways. At the risk of sounding like someone who just won an award I want to specifically thank a few of them…
Tony for taking me up to the Nth this time last year and encouraging me to ask for a show, Brian for saying “Yes” before he had even seen pictures of my recent work and answering all my questions along the way, my kids for not complaining too much the nights I painted instead of cooking dinner, Richard for listening to me go on and on (and on) about what parts of the images might not be quite right while they were in progress and for bar-tending, Dad and Suzie for hosting the beautiful pre-show reception at their house as well as all the driving back and forth in crazy downtown Boone traffic, Sophie for helping set up the food, Mom and Rachel for always being there for me even if they had to drive down the mountain after dark, my brother Matt for always being willing to stay till the very end, Rhonda and Johnny, Amy and Jimmy, and Martha for making such long drives, Jenn and Scott for flying across the country! (and also getting more than a fair share of the on and on-ing), Candace and Scott for understanding I needed time off from tattooing to spend in the studio, Mary Frances for not letting me give up on the sculptures that didn’t come out of the kiln perfectly, Richard F and other Nthers for helping to hang the show, and of course thanks to everyone who decided to buy a piece to be part of their collection -it is a such an honor that you want some of my art to be part of your home. I appreciate every one of you!