This past weekend I had a lot going on but I still wanted to get out and paint a waterfall. I needed to find one that did not involve too long of a drive or walk. Even though online descriptions of Nancy Town Falls call it “unimpressive” I decided its incredibly close location made it worth checking out. It was less than a ten minute drive and then about a thirty minute walk to get to the falls. It is not the most spectacular waterfall I have seen in north Georgia, but unimpressive seems a bit harsh. The criticism may have to do with how difficult it is to see the different layers of the falls from one vantage point. I had to climb around a bit to really get a feel for how and where the water was falling. There is also the issue that the area is a bit overgrown and there are several trees that have fallen over the rocks. Taking this into account I decided to paint a more close up view of one of the more dramatic parts of the falls. Since time was limited I only spent about an hour painting rather than the two hours that is typical. I touched up the painting a bit once I got it home. There is another waterfall right next to the forest service road the trail turns into on the loop back. It is smaller but more picturesque. It will be a good option to go paint if I have another day that does not allow for a long drive or long hike.
It looks a good representation!
Nice work 🙂