Yesterday itunes offered the audio book version of “The Alchemist” as a free download. Paulo Coelho is not my favorite but he is usually pretty interesting. I listened to the whole thing yesterday while I was working and I really enjoyed it. Listening to a story makes my day fly by and as long as I’m not doing translating work it doesn’t distract me from making ads. The book stayed in my head all evening and obviously I’m still thinking about it this morning. At one point the Alchemist tells the boy, “There is only one way to learn–through action.” That seems to be the repeating theme for me these days. I must stop just thinking about the things I want to do and go ahead and do them. If I keep waiting till I know what I’m doing to get started I will never get started. This is not a new or profound thought but for some reason it is one that gives me a great deal of trouble.