Alternate Version

I am amazed by how thoroughly and completely you tricked me. I bought the whole thing, hook, line and sinker. And it is staggering how far I am from the only one. I always wondered about how busy you claim to be, it never seemed like you did anything but shopping and housework, but wow, balancing that many women at a time, that must make for quite the schedule. Do you remember the evening last February, a few nights after you went to Second City and ignored my texts for the first time, when I told you I felt jealous? You frowned and told me it was a sensitive situation. Do you remember how sitting at your desk for just a moment I saw it clearly? I asked you directly if you were doing the same thing with women across the building. I even mentioned names, correct names. And you laughed, mocked me, and made me think I was crazy for calling you a player. I believed you. I let it go. We went for a walk and I tried to get my finger through the hole in your pants. You really are incredibly good at what you do. Of course I hate you for fooling me, (it is humiliating to find out the person you loved and somehow still miss never existed) but wow, you have some mad skillz. Yes, you lie a lot, but you actually told me the truth about plenty too. It was my bad for not paying attention when you told me you hurt people, destroy things, that you could not love, that you think something is wrong with the people that love you, that I deserved better. You said in one of your last comments that we were not playing the same game. That was most certainly the truth. I want to give you a bit of grudging respect for how well you play, I still think you are smart, but if you are the only one who knows the rules it is rather rigged isn’t it? It is kinda sad you are too lazy to even want to play with a worthy opponent. I am not trying to claim that I could have won if I had understood the game, you are the undisputed master of being a sick fuck, but I don’t think I would have lost by such an embarrassing margin. Anyway, I really am done now. Do not worry, I will not try to make any more contact with you or your harem. I have other things to do. 😉

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